Ben's team is brought into custody by the U.S. Not recognizing one of the aliens on Jimmy's website, Ben and his team travel to Orlando, Florida, the site where the photograph was taken, to investigate. Ben, Gwen, and Kevin decide to pay a visit to the Internet conspiracy theorist who exposed Ben's identity, revealed to be a ten-year-old boy named Jimmy Jones who runs a website on alien sightings. Public opinion on Ben is polarized he is idolized as a superhero by kids and teens, but distrusted by adults, particularly news anchor Will Harangue, who deems Ben a menace. Bivalian, Pand'r, Andreas, Galapagus and Ra'ad each have power over the first five of the main elements of Nature- Water, Fire, Earth, Air and Aether/Quintessence- giving Ben Tennyson the exact same elemental skills as Water Hazard, NRG, Armadrillo, Terraspin and Amfibianīen Tennyson's secret identity is exposed to the world by an online video, ending his secretive life of heroism.Since "Fused", she has begun casting spells out loud again since six years ago. Gwendolyn Catherine Tennyson, now sixteen years old, has perfected her knowledge of her innate magical/anodite abilities in just one year.By 10 Year Old Ben - Heatblast, Stinkfly, Four Arms, Wildmutt.

30 Aliens - Swampfire, Jetray, Chromastone, Humungousaur, SpiderMonkey, Echo Echo, Brainstorm, Alien X, Big Chill, Goop, Ultimate Humungousaur, Ultimate SpiderMonkey, Ultimate Echo-Echo, Ultimate Big Chill, Ultimate Swampfire, Ultimate Cannonbolt, Cannonbolt, Rath, Lodestar, Murk Upchuck, Water Hazard, NRG, Armodrillo, Terraspin, Ampfibian, Four-Arms(16 Years Old), Diamond Head(16 Years Old|Locked), Nanomech, Way Big, Ripjaws.