CastleMiner Zwas released in 2011 on the Xbox Live Indie Arcade, which is a store on the Xbox platforms in which indie developers can publish their games.

For the most part, you wouldn’t be entirely wrong to feel this way. To those of you who play Minecraft, you will most likely feel like CastleMiner Zis a modified version of Minecraft with an HD texture pack, guns, and dragons. The first thing you’ll notice about CastleMiner Zupon playing is the resemblance and similarity to Mojang’s famous survival/sandbox Minecraft. Now before you pass this review off as just a troll saying mean things about an indie game, let us take the time to mine into the exact details of why I dislike the waste of time and money that is CastleMiner Z(pun intended). I can honestly state, that in my opinion, CastleMiner Zis the worst game I have ever played that I can remember.

That was until CastleMiner Zshowed me what a truly bad game is. Genre: First-Person Shooter, Survival, Action/AdventureĪ few weeks ago I reviewed a game called Redshirt, developed by The Tiniest Shark, and I gave it a pretty poor review and went as far as to state that it was the worst game I have played in quite a while.